Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Be A Citizen of the Universe

Be a Citizen of the Universe

Kill War by people-to-people unity.

UNO is an organization of vested interests of yesteryears unsuited for problems of today and tomorrow.

Join Universal Citizenship Foundation of the Changeman Trust. Founded in 1969 the centenary year of Mahatma Gandhi for influencing Governments to shed national borders and move towards a World Government.

Let us liberate the world from the scourge of war and poverty born out of suspicion.

Let us use resources spent on defence to eradicate poverty in the world.

Citizen Mitter Vedu


  1. Genuine peace lovers!

    We are several thousand strong. Join to make it a million or even a billion members for success. A voice to be heard. You have nothing to lose, everything to gain from this endeavour.

  2. Please visit:
